Bristol RenGuide

Bristol RenGuide

NY RenGuide

NY RenGuide


Your personal guide to the Renaissance Faire

What is RenGuide™?

RenGuide™ was an iPhone App that helped keep your mind at ease while at the renaissance faire. It was available for the New York and Bristol Renaissance Faires from 2010 through 2015. Unfortunately, it stopped being sustainable, and we had to shut it down. Thank you to all of our loyal users for sticking with us!

What can I do with RenGuide™?

map Never get lost! Locate whatever it is you need with the beautiful, detailed, interactive map of the faire (i.e. find the closest pub or privy!).
clock Browse the complete schedule of shows and events; set reminders for yourself so you're there on time.
price tag Locate merchants by category; use exclusive coupons to save on your purchases.
chat Learn the language of the times, with the handy language guide. Learn how to insult your friends, flirt with fellow faire-goers, or just ask for a turkey leg with Elizabethan style!